Betekenis van:
colour in


  1. A rainbow is a seven-colour arch in the sky.
  2. Languages differ in how many basic colour terms they have.
  3. Would you have the same but in a different colour?
  4. Green peas are high in iron and contain nutrients that improve the colour of fingernails.
  5. In late summer and autumn one can see the leaves change colour.
  6. Heat sesame oil in the pan on a medium flame, add the chicken meat, the garlic and fry, when the colour changes pour in the Chinese soup, add the Chinese cabbage and boil.
  7. A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
  8. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
  9. Community symbols in four-colour process:
  10. [This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I.
  11. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, (CI 74260)
  12. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, (CI 77007)
  13. Colour lakes; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colour lakes [10]
  14. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I.
  15. Colour lakes; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colour lakes [3]